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Three Types of Incontinence:
Stress, Urge and Overflow

There are a number of different types of incontinence and they are important as they affect the type of treatment that can be offered to cure or manage the condition.

Stress Incontinence:

This is leakage of urine as a result of sudden stress on the bladder. Often this is caused by coughing, laughing, exercising, or lifting a heavy object.

Urge Incontinence:

This is a sudden urge to urinate that is so strong it can't be held in. This type generally occurs if you can't reach the bathroom in time after the urge, or as a result of decreased muscle control.

Overflow Incontinence:

This is involuntary urination because the bladder has filled beyond capacity. Pressure on the bladder may build up and the muscles surrounding the bladder are unable to hold in the urine.

It is also possible that you may experience symptoms of more than one type of incontinence mentioned above. A complete urodynamic exam by a doctor can determine the type of incontinence and the appropriate method of treatment.