Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can I use multiple coupons for one purchase?
Answer: Multiple coupons are not allowed. Coupons are limited to one use per household and are subject to change without notice.
Question: Some images are not showing up on your website. Why is your site not loading properly?
We are constantly making website enhancements, and your browser is holding onto an older version of our site. Please clear your cache to make sure you are seeing the latest version of our site by following these easy instructions! Thank you.
Question: Why did HDIS redesign their website?
We have upgraded our website for faster performance and added security, and we have redesigned our website to make it easier for our customers to navigate. We take customer feedback and suggestions very seriously, and we are happy to share that many of our customer’s suggestions have been integrated into the new site!
Here are some of our new features:
- Our new search bar should you help you find the products you are looking for.
- You are now able to manage your account through a customized dashboard.
- You can reorder past purchases in a snap by logging into your account.
- Our new site allows you to enjoy the same shopping experience on your desktop, mobile or tablet!
- You can now view when your next Personalized Delivery Plan (PDP) will arrive at your house, and change or edit your PDP at any time.
We hope you enjoy the new experience. Please let us know if we can help you in any way! Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.
Question: Why do I need to change my password to login to the new site for the first time?
We have upgraded our website for faster performance and added security, and we have redesigned our website to make it easier for our customers to navigate. On our new website, your password needs to meet specific character requirements for enhanced security.
Specifically, your new password must be 8-20 characters, including at least one capital letter and at least one number or special character such as ! $ @ & +.
We hope you enjoy the new experience. Please let us know if you need assistance logging into the new site. Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.
Question: How do I change My Password?
It is simple to change your password!
- First, go to
- Click in “My Account” in the header of the website
3. If you already have an account, click on “First time on our new site? Reset Your Password”
4. You will be prompted to type in your email address on file. Then, click “Reset My Password.”
5. You should receive an email in your inbox right away. From there, you should be able to easily create a new password. Your new password must be 8-20 characters, including at least one capital letter and at least one number or special character such as ! $ @ & +.
We hope you enjoy the new experience. Please let us know if we can help you in any way! Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.
Question: Can I set up a PDP as a Guest, or do I need an account?
On our website, a customer must be logged in to set up a Personalized Delivery Plan (PDP). When you log in, HDIS is able to quickly check your account to see if you have already set up a PDP for the same product. Once you are logged in, you can change the frequency and quantity of your PDP and see when your next shipment is scheduled to arrive. These new features are only accessible when a customer creates an account with us and logs into the “My Account” Dashboard. You can also follow these quick step-by-step instructions to help you to modify or cancel your plan within your online account.
Your subscription delivery schedule will continue until you cancel. You can cancel anytime with no penalty. All unopened returns are fully refunded - satisfaction guaranteed!
We hope you enjoy the experience. Please let us know if we can help you set up or modify your PDP. Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.
Question: What is the status of my order?
We have upgraded our website for faster performance and added security, and we have redesigned our website to make it easier for our customers to navigate. One of the new features is your ability to view the status of your order directly from our website in a few simple steps.
- Please login to your account from our homepage at

We hope you enjoy the new experience. Please let us know if we can help you set up or modify your PDP. Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.
Question: How can I create a product review?
You must be logged in to create a product review. Once logged in, please navigate to the product that you plan to review.
Scroll to the bottom of the product page to create a review:
Question: How do I change my billing and/or shipping address?
1. Log into your HDIS account using your email and password.
2. Locate the Address Book on the My Account Dashboard, on the left side panel. By clicking this link you will see your current list of addresses associated with your account. To add a new Bill To or Ship To address, start by clicking the “Add New Address” button on the bottom right corner of the Address Book page.
3. Fill in the address information that you would like to correspond with either your shipping or billing information in the empty information fields. After all the information is filled in, you will then select whether the new address will be the default billing or shipping address by selecting the appropriate button under the newly entered information.
We hope you enjoy the new experience. Please let us know if we can help you set up or modify your PDP. Chat with us online, email us at or give us a call at 1-800-269-4663.